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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ain't it funny

It’s funny that people would only say thank you right after you did them a favor.

That most of the time, they only remember what you did for a short time and would not recall the things you did for them when it no longer suits them.

It’s funny how they act as if they know everything when they talk to you where in fact, they learned most of it from you.

When they change sides easily because well, there is nothing more they can get from you.

How insensitive they are to you and your feelings, when all the time they were with you, you thought about nothing else but their well beings.

It’s funny.


Because these people are doomed by the choices they make.

Because when it’s time Karma, fate, the general collective, the universe and all the known forces which handles the balance in the world, will deal with them properly.

At that time, however high and might they are, they will all fall back to the ground and hit rock bottom.

That is how things have always worked.

You will not be spared.

The day of reckoning will come and all of us will be judged, no one will be spared.

So to you who is smiling now, go ahead, tell the world of your conquest, boast of how you manipulate people into giving. Go ahead take, and take and take. Enjoy your spoils!

Tell your friends how great you are, tell them how you do not care what that person who has helped you feel about the things you are doing, about how you deliberately ignored their messages, how you laugh at them behind their backs. How you connive with your new boss by trying to steal your former superiors people and business.

Your day will come. God will strike a reprimanding hand on you and before you know it, you will be left with nobody but yourself. All your gains will turn to dust. I pity you.

Your day will come and on that day, I will have a sad smile on my lips for the unfortunate circumstance that you have brought upon yourself and with a soft air of justice in my heart.

I hope for your sake that you change your evil ways, try to be a good person and fate will look kindly on you.

Stop your insulting and offending words, stop your rumor mongering be a good person, you are not that good. You really think I am doing nothing because I can not do anything?

For now what I do is a choice, not to stoop down to your level.

Do you really think that I am just lucky and that’s the reason why I am still in my current position?

I have treated you as a friend and an equal. But you abuse it.

Do not go any further I beg of you, for your sake.

Or you will feel my wrath. . .

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