A good friend of mine, another girl who also broke my heart, was commenting on my blogpost, we were laughing about it over ym, and discussed what made a girl sexy.
In our discussion, I told her that she is still sexy despite the fact that she is happily married now. This is something that I wrote for her. My friend and comare, you know who you are.
"You need not compare yourself with other women, nor should you care about the fact that you are with a son and getting older.
You will always be sexy. Even if you shrug it of and laugh at my comment, you can not deny that fact.
Its not your pretty face, not your slender figure. Maybe its your smile? Maybe its the way you walk, or talk, hmmmmm maybe its because you speak well, smell good and look good, or maybe its because you are who you are, and that in itself is sexy.
If you don't believe me, just notice the way, the people would have a second look whenever you pass bye, or how people treats you cordially with a big smile in their face whenever you talk to them (which includes the crazy person in the street way back in college).
Somehow you have an Aura that draws people to you, maybe because you are not just superficially beautiful, you are different, you are one of a kind, you have a beauty that is pure and would withstand the harshness of time."
Dear friend now, your the one who owes me lunch hehehe.
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