Hi how are you doing? Are you alright?
Yes I am talking to you, there is only the two of us here, so there is no point in looking behind your back and find out who am talking to.
That is right, I am talking to you.
So you think that you are at the lowest point of your life.
Do not be ashamed, I understand how you feel, you see, I am a kindred spirit we are on the same boat, I too am a recent resident in the “Land of the heartbroken”.
Everything will be okay you know, it just seem like your world has ended, but one day you will wake up without that gripping pain in your heart.
It is really painful isn’t it?
It’s like there is a hole inside your heart, a hollow spot that keeps on getting bigger and bigger.
Then your brain freezes loosing focus, because it insists that you just think about that which you want to forget.
That pain that does not allow you to move, eat, work and think.
Do not fight it; allow yourself to morn your loss. Retreat to the privacy of your room and cry.
So why did he or she leave you?
Why were you replaced? Why is career more important than you?
What did you do wrong?
How could he or she be unhappy, when you dedicated your life and made them the Center of your Universe?
You gave him or her everything and this is how they repay you?
Why did he or she do this to you?
You may beat yourself up in asking yourself the same questions but the truth is you will never find the answer.
Even if they answered when you asked, you will not accept that answer because what you really want is to kiss and make up and pretend that everything is “k” okay.
Why do they have to insult your intelligence by saying, “It’s not you, it’s me”?
No matter how much you disliked hearing that, it’s the most truthful statement that you will ever get from this failed relationship.
It really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with this person wanting to move on.
You are no longer significant, nothing you will say or do will change this persons mind.
This is also why you are better off without this person in your life.
Do not argue with this person, do not threaten, do not insist that they take you back. Even if they finally agreed to what you want, nothing good will come out of these efforts.
Will you be able to forget why you got back together? Would you not constantly think that you are only together again because you forced them to take you back?
So what do you do?
Pray for acceptance.
Ask him to make you accept that this has happened.
You do not need to understand why, you just need to learn how to accept it.
Ask him to take care of your “X”.
Ouch! Was that painful for you?
Did referring to your X as an X hurt?
That is correct he or she is already your X.
Like a mantra, you should constantly remind yourself that you and Mr. and Ms. Blank are no longer together.
Repeat after me, “I (your name) am no in a relationship with (Mr. or Ms. BlanK).
Now repeat what you have just said.
Repeat it again, and again, and again…
Every time you think about the break up, remind yourself that is over and you will feel more calm.
Write down your basic tasks for the day and revert to it. Command yourself to do them.
Buy groceries
Go to Work; Call ___; Email ___
Iron your Clothes
Wash the dishes
Take a look at your car ewwww is that an automobile? Or mud in wheels? Clean it.
Look at your refrigerator. What is that brownish black thing at the back of your expired milk?
Take it out.
In other words keep yourself busy.
Remember, before you and X got together, you were living your life alone and you were alright; you will be okay.
Now try to smile. Just smile.
How did that feel? Do it again.
Feels good, doesn't it?
Smiling once in a while also helps.
This is temporary. As I said, you will wake up one day, without this enormous weight that you carry in your heart.
Learn from your mistakes.
The reason why you broke up is because both of you were not ready for that relationship. No matter what you think, you were part of the problem.
You may have quarrelled a lot, or it may have been the little things that escaped your attention.
Your money problems getting in the way of becoming happy.
Whatever it was you were not ready to make the necessary compromise, trust blindly, and communicate well.
Make the effort to get back to your old self. Apologize to your friends for not giving them enough attention, make new friends and most importantly spend quality time with your family.
Besides you have to be okay, it’s your responsibility.
You owe it not only to yourself but to the person who you are destined to grow old with.
It’s a good thing that you and X broke up, simply put it was not meant to be.
There is somebody else who is being molded for you, just you are being molded for her or him.
This person will be the one to bring you the happiness that you deserve.
It is this person who will speak to you by just looking at you.
Say volumes with just a smile.
This person who will hold you and comfort you and look at you like you are the most wonderful or beautiful person in the entire world.
When you will look at her or him your senses will be enhanced; because of the love that you share the colors would seem brighter, you would feel your love at the ends of your fingertips, the food would tastes tastier. You will feel a combination of love, happiness and ultimate satisfaction.
One day, you will look back at this day and smile.
When you get to this point of your life, thank your X, pray that he or she too has found the love and happiness that you have.
Now try and get some sleep, I promise you everything will feel much better in the morning.
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